Our Parent Information
Parent Handbook
Contributions and Charges
Student Requirements
Families need to apply to enrol their child in a public school for 2024 if they are:
starting Kindergarten – 4 years old by 30 June 2024
starting Pre-Primary – 5 years old by 30 June 2024
Applications for enrolment can be taken at any time
In Western Australia, all children from Pre-Primary to Year 12 are guaranteed a place at their local public school.
With all of the new developments occurring in our area, we are now unable to take enrolments from outside of our area.
Please have a look at the map below to see if we are your local school.
Under the Education Act 1999, parents are required to complete an Application of Enrolment (Part A) and upon acceptance an Enrolment Form (Part B). These forms are legal documents which, when completed, contain important information relevant to your child.
To obtain this paperwork, you can either visit our school or get started at home by printing and completing the Application For Enrolment (Part A).
When submitting this document to the school, you will need to provide:
Birth Certificate (original or certified copy) or extract
Immunisation Certificate
Proof of address
Copies of Family Court or any other court orders (if applicable)
Information relating to suspensions or exclusions (if applicable)
Information relating to disability (if applicable)
If your child was not born in Australia, you will need to provide evidence of:
Date of entry in Australia
Passport or travel documents
Current visa subclass and previous visa subclass (if applicable)
Parents can request an Immunisation History Statement at any time by:
Telephoning AIR on 1800 653 809 (free call)
Emailing acir@humanservices.gov.au
Visiting their local Department of Human Services Centre
Upon acceptance of your application, you will receive an Enrolment Form (Part B), a copy of our Forrestdale Primary School Parent Handbook and a list of booklist requirements. This is usually mailed to the address you have provided.
For more information about enrolment in Western Australia, visit The Department of Education website.
Our school dress and presentation requirements are tangible evidence of the high standards expected of and achieved by the Forrestdale Primary School Community. The benefits of our school dress code include: promoting a positive image of our school and creating a sense of identity among students; promoting safety of students through easy identification; keeping costs of clothing within reasonable limits for parents; and assisting students to learn the importance of appropriate presentation.
Navy/Aqua polo shirt with logo
Leavers shirts for year 6 students - Navy polo design with school logo
Navy jumper with school logo (NO HOODIES)
Navy microfibre jacket with school logo
Navy shorts, pants, skorts, skirt or track pants
The Navy reversible Faction Bucket Hat is compulsory for wear all year round.
The school endorses a “No School Hat – Shade Play” rule and this runs all year round, including play, physical education, excursions and other designated events.
The Forrestdale Primary School Uniform is available through the school P & C.
Parent Handbook
Our Parent Handbook provides all of the relevant information to Forrestdale Primary School to assist you in understanding our school context. We encourage all families to read through this information.
Contribution and Charges
The Department of Education requests that schools set a annual schedule of Voluntary Contributions and Charges and anticipated fees (for excursions, incursions etc.) in consultation with the School Board. A copy is sent to all families towards the end of each year prior to them being due and hard copies can be obtained from the school office. The School Contributions are due and collected at the beginning of the school year and should be paid directly to the office. Should you have difficulty paying these amounts, please feel free to discuss the matter with the Manager Corporate Services or Principal, in strict confidence, as it may be possible to arrange a more flexible arrangement that suits you. Contributions by parents have a positive effect on the provision of extra resources. The amount requested is $60.00 per child per year. Money collected through contributions is spent on your children in ways that benefits them as equally as possible. These contributions are essential in helping the school maintain programs and keep up to date with books and equipment for student use. Progressive payment over the year is quite acceptable.
Payments to the school may also be made by EFTPOS at the administration office and additionally may be directly deposited to the school’s bank account by electronic bank transfer. Bank details are below:
Account Name: Forrestdale Primary School
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 016-253
Account No: 3494 43701
Student Requirements
Your child must have the right tools to access the teaching and learning programs. There is a personal items list for each year level, which outlines the resources children should be bringing to school. Parents are free to purchase from a supplier of their choice, but there are student workbooks that can only be purchased from an education supplier. Parents should replenish these items as needed throughout the year.
To view the Book List requirements for 2024, please click on links below.
Forrestdale Primary School encourages an attendance rate of over 95%. It is vitally important that students attend school every day unless they need to be absent due to illness.
The start of the day is a time where teachers set the routines and expectations for the day. Students who are punctual are more likely to be confident and ready to absorb information and engage actively in their learning.
Regular attendance is a critical factor in the success of your child at school. Attendance for all students from Pre-Primary to Year Six is compulsory. In Kindergarten, although not compulsory, once your child is enrolled we strongly encourage regular attendance. The school follows up all unexplained absences, including in Kindergarten. Please note that all instances of vacation that occur inside school terms are classified as unauthorised absences. The school policy is to not provide work for students to complete during their family holidays as this sends the message that the school condones such absences.
Absentee Notifcation
If something unforeseen happens to your child on the way to school, you would most likely not become aware of anything being wrong until after home time. The school would presume that the child was away because of illness. In order to prevent this misunderstanding the school uses an SMS notification system for student attendance. This system will send a text message for any unexplained absence. This generally occurs at 9.30am each school day, but may be delayed due to technical difficulties. If your child will not be at school please advise us by telephone or SMS prior to 9.00am.
You can SMS the school at any time on 0438 957 694 or phone 9397 8100 .
You may also notify the school of absences via this website, phone, email, Seesaw, SMS or a note to the appropriate class teacher.